Introduction to Directing for Film
Workshop covers the fundamental's of directing films
Service Description
Members €20 | Non Members €30 This workshop will cover some of the basics including; blocking for camera, working with actors, scripts to storyboards to screen. James will also talk about his experience in directing TV commercials, professional music videos, and how to go about getting an agent. Tutor: James Fitzgerald James’s wonderfully intriguing take on the world represents a new era for youth culture films. He has been making films since he was 15, honing his skills with actors over this time; and resulting in some of the most incredible honest and powerful performances in his work. His music video for The Funeral Suits, has shot him to mainstream acclaim, making James one of the hottest talents out there right now. His critically acclaimed IFTA nominated short film Skunky Dog on to win at some of the largest festivals around the world. www.antidote.ie/directors/james-fitzgerald To secure your place please pay the €20 deposit. Non members to pay an additional €10 on the day. For information on becoming a member please see our members page.

Contact Details
Forum Waterford, The Glen, Waterford, Ireland